Carnation Of Care (RM 48.00)
Carnation Of Care (RM 48.00)
RM 48.00 (Excluding delivery charges)
This simple looking bouquet consisting of carnations and other mix flowers might just be the right thing to the rignt person.
Kindly contact our friendly staffs at 09-748 2600 or 018-9021 999 for more inquiries.
* Photos are only served as samples.
* Fresh Flowers are highly subjected to availability.
* Flowers that unavailable will be replaced with flowers of similar or higher value
Delivery time : Sat - Thurs ( 9am to 5pm ) / Closed on Friday
Special Note : Kindly write down the delivery date & free card message when during checkout.
Delivery Date : Eg. 01.01.2020
Recipient's Name:
Recipient's Phone Number:
Recipient's Address:
Sender's Name:
Sender's Phone Number:
Personal Message Card (Limited to 20 words only): Eg. All The Best
Card message will be sent together with the flowers with no additional charges