The Glass 02 (RM4.00)
The Glass 02 (RM4.00)
Not to be miss a mermaid tail like glass
This product comes with the transparent PVC box containing it.
(Each Box set comes in various colors)
10 Pieces set = Each cost RM4.50
Weight: 3kg
100 Pieces set = Each cost RM 4.00
Weight: 26kg
Size: 11.3cm H x 7cm Diameter
All measurements and weights stated are measured approximately and does not include decoration
*NOTE: All deco or handmade products will be shipped in a maximum of 3 working days for preparation and production purpose
Gelas sisik ikan yang comel.
Pembelian produk ini termasuk dengan kotak PVC transparen yang ditunjukkan di dalam gambar.
10 Gelas set = Setiap gelas bernilai RM 4.50
Berat: 3kg
100 Gelas set = Setiap gelas bernilai RM 4.00
Berat: 26kg
Size: 11.3cm H x 7cm Diameter
Semua ukuran dan timbangan yang dilebelkan adalah lebih kurang dan tidak termasuk hiasan
*Note: Semua item deco dan hasil craft tangan akan mengambil masa 3 hari berkerja untuk disediakan